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CÚRAM Media Coverage

Here is a list of recently published articles sharing CÚRAM research, industry collaborations, public engagements activities and more.


Irish company develops groundbreaking Covid spray that will provide near complete protection –

An Irish medical technology company working in collaboration with the Defence Forces has developed a spray for washable masks that will provide near complete protection from the Covid-19 virus.

CÚRAM awarded Europe’s first Green Lab certification –

Initiative launched to introduce more sustainable practices into scientific research

Creation of new National Preclinical Imaging Centre with CÚRAM’s Prof Abhay Pandit as an associate director – Silicon Republic

With SFI funding, the National Preclinical Imaging Centre will be established to boost clinical trials and help develop new therapeutics.

The clock is ticking and the time to green our labs is now – CURAM’s Dr Una Fitzgerald does a Q&A with The Irish Times

Research lives: Dr Una FitzGerald, director of Galway Neuroscience Centre, NUIG, and founder of Galway Green Labs